• September is National Gum Care Month!
    Can you believe it's already September? At Simply Dental of Monroe, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize Read more
  • Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away
    Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read more
  • Treating Gum Disease with Antibiotics
    Why does gum disease develop? Our mouths are home to bacteria, which form a film called plaque. Plaque sticks to the surfaces of our teeth, at the gumline, and can Read more
  • Make Tooth Brushing Fun
    The best brushing routine for parent and child is two minutes of gentle brushing in the morning and two in the evening. But if the longest four minutes of your Read more
  • Your Snoring Might Be More Serious Than You Think
    Sleep apnea is a disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout the night. It’s most common among middle-aged adults, and the most prevalent symptom is loud snoring. Sleep apnea Read more
  • Hot Day? Three Drinks to Leave Home When You’re Packing the Cooler
    Whew! It’s a hot one! And whenever the temperature soars, you need to stay hydrated, especially when you’re outside or exercising. But all cold drinks aren’t equal when it comes Read more
  • How Missing Teeth Can Affect Your Health
    According to the American Academy of Periodontology, an estimated three out of four Americans suffer from gum disease. In milder cases, the disease is called gingivitis. More severe cases are Read more
  • How much calcium does my child need?
    When you were a kid, your parents may have told you to drink milk to build strong bones and grow tall and strong. Now that you have children of your Read more
  • How do I handle my child’s dental emergency?
    Kids are active, and with lots of activity comes the potential for mishaps. Before an emergency occurs, you’d be smart to stay informed about the problems your child may encounter. Here Read more
  • Teeth Whitening For a Bright Summer
    Summer brings sunshine and warm weather, and many of our patients begin thinking about brightening their smiles this time of year. A whiter smile is one just one visit away Read more
  • Fun Facts for the Fourth
    The Fourth of July is a great time to get together with friends and family members for BBQ, games, fireworks, and other celebrations in honor of our country’s independence. While Read more
  • What are dental implants?
    Do you have a space where a tooth used to be? Were you born with a missing tooth? Are you getting ready for dentures? You may be a good candidate Read more
  • Oral Health Concerns Specific to Pregnant Women
    A lot of changes occur in a woman's body during pregnancy. Hormone fluctuations are responsible for many of those changes, including the need for additional attention to the teeth and Read more


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